Info. (1996)

so i go to school.

im studying literature.

im a nerd.


there are differences i nerdness.

im a nerd.

because i like stuff that douches don't.

like studying literature.

so iv'e started a new semester.

with a whole new level of people i didn't knew existed.

i know I'm a nerd.

but the level of nerdness has rised to a whole new level this semester.

i don't know where these people come from.

i guess they must have crawled out of their "starwars-goth-acne" caves.

some of them added me on facebook.

and I'm nice.

so i accepted them.

but it wasn't before i accepted them on FB that i realized what level of nerd I'm dealing with.

its like...

when you update you FB-status with some scifi hubba bubb.

and you are the only one liking it.

you don't realize its like high fiving yourself in public -

 - wearing manga/goth/bad-taste clothes.

and all of them wants to be teachers.

I'm looking forward to the future of literature in the public schools.

im a nerd AND a bitch.

and I'm sorry that i am.

like, really.


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