Don't know.

if you didn't know about them.

now you do.

(m83- midnight city)


Busy. (2011)

so. i've been seriously busy lately.

i'ts like i'm sooo busy.

all the time.


i've actually been really buisy finding out what kind of pet i want.

i'm not a pet person.

it's like.

all my friends pets love me.

and everyone else's pets aswell.

and i hate them.

but i figured.

since all the pets love me.

i must have missed something.

so i figured.

i'll get a pet.

at first i thought about getting a bird.

but they make so much noise.

and then i thought about getting a cat.

but my landlord won't allow me.

and besides, i would have to walk it and groom it and a lot of other stressful things


i got fish.

and for all you n00b's that don't have spotify:

get it!



UhUhAh. (1985)

i think i'm a psychic.

or at least a medium.

some months ago i dreamt that one of my friends was pregnant.

when i woke up i called her and told her about the dream.

that she got really fat, and that we all thought that she had an eating problem...

she said i was full of shit.

today she called me.

and said she was pregnant after all.



Prytania. (2010)

Mutemath – Prytania

Interesting. (1989)


i looked through my pictures the other day.

and there's a factor of boredom throughout my latest shots.


it's not boredom.

i'ts like, i'm supposed to take a picture of something interesting.

but then...

i just take pictures of my feet instead...

here's some examples. 

here's my feet instead of my mom right before she left for summer vacation.

here's my feet instead of my girlfriend BE next to a statue.

here's my feet instead of some expressionistic dancers.

here's my feet instead of my girlfriend Ballony next to the expressionistic dancers. 

here's my foot instead of my dancing grandparents.

and also...

my BFF also seems to take pictures of his feet instead of what he was supposed to take pictures of.


he works in an office.

so i guess his feet is the most interesting thing to take pictures of.



BTW. (2005)


my computer magically started to work again.

here's picture to prove it.

(wo)man vs. machine.

Sweat. (1987)

i work in a restaurant.

as a waiter.

i've been working as crazy lately.

(it's because i'm poor)

there is a small element of stress at my workingplace.

but i never get stressed.


today at work, the chef told me i smelled.

and he offered to spray me with some grease.

i said that he was full of shit.

but i let him spray me anyways.

so after...

i didn't just smell.

it also looked like i had a major sweating problem.



Nontech. (1989)


i was supposed to talk about how uninspired i am these days.

but when i thought about it.

i realized i'm not uninspired at all.

i'ts just that my computer doesn't work.


i figured that it's the computer that's uninspired..

since it suddenly decided that it didn't want to hang out with me anymore..

and now.

i have to wright my blogposts on an Ipad i found laying around.

(i got it for christmas last year, but i figured that i didn't need it, since i already had a computer)

but now i had to take it out of the fancy box.

and i can't figure this shit out...

none of my pictures are on this thing, AND i have to wright on the screen...

so in the meanwhile, while my computer is having a break.

you (and i) just have to deal with the fact that my posts will be full of text and without pictures.

ps: since i also can't attach links to spotify on this piece of shit "computer": my music recommendation is: 

listen to Bon Iver for a full day and remeniss over all the good times the summer gave.



Away. (2011)

i've been away.

i traveled far away.

to see an art exhibition.

and to get drunk.

in the stress of the "nearly missing my plane - and almost loosing my luggage", i forgot all of my intended plans.


this is the art i managed to see.

and i got so shitfaced that i tried to be a photoartist.

it's good to be back home.

i was introduced to some music today, and i'll pass it forward.

Blackbird Blackbird – Hawaii (Niva Remix)

Jay Z – Why I Love You