Celebrity. (2000)

lately i've had alot of time to think.

is because im upposed to study for my exams.

(yes. i know exams it's the only thing i'm talking about lately.)

(get used to it)

some days ago i was thinking for some hours.

i was thinking about my life.

and i realized something.

im not a celebrity.


i'll probably never be one either.

here's what i realized:

- the only person following my blog is my mom.

- i can't wear sunglasses indoor without someone staring at me with the "what-the-f**k-is-wrong-with-her" look.

- never get anything for free. unless it's reached it's expiration date.

- i'm poor.

- i spend most of my time in bed with a book.

- i have to take the bus.

- and... i sing like a crow.

thank you very much for ruining my future damn exam.



11.11.11 - 11:11 (2011)

i'm preparing for exams.

i say no more.

Washed Out – New Theory

The past. (2011)

i found some pictures from my past.

(it's really just from this fall)



to sum up my fall.

i looked after a dog. i had to walk him. 

i ate fogberries. it was nice.

i had a fancy lunch. 

i got a dymotyper. and i marked all of my belongings with dymotape.

i got fish. fish are dirty.


i got a pedicure.

i got matching knitted socks as my BFF. 

my sister gave me a snake. and she took it back.


M83 – Wait


Negativity scale. (1989)

i can be a real bitch sometimes.

and sometimes i'm a whiner.

and sometimes i'm like a raging pregnant t'rex.

sometimes i'm like that.

today was different.

today i turned in to all of those "states of mind".

at the same time.


someone wrote in their FB status: "preparing for exams :)"

and i spilled my coffee all over my freshly printed notes.

i accidentally read the FB status again.

BBC-entertainment rescheduled Àllo àllo without notifying me.

i left the chocolatemilkbox empty in the fridge yesterday, and it was still empty today.

a friend of mine went home for christmas vacation.

i went on FB again.

i realized that i only have 3000 pages left to read before my exam next week.


the "exam-negativity-scale" is reaching new levels.