it's time. (1989)

at certain points in your life you discover some facts about yourself.

like some smart people say: you learn as you live.

up until now i just lived.

and thought that the learning part would come naturally.

until it hit me in the face.

or i guess its called backfire.

yea... i think the learning part really backfired.

I've always thought that i would realize i was adult when i got there.

but today someone told me to grow up.

(thanks to my insults and comebacks book, i got to say what i felt about the grow up comment.)

so, instead of thinking about a good comeback the rest of the night.

i started realizing some amazing undiscovered facts about myself.


im 23 years old. (i never planned to get older than 18)

i have NO money. (because i spent it all on wine and sandwiches)

im studying something i can't use for nothing.

i owe 20 000 in collegedebt.

and my ultimate goal in life is to get retired !?!

i think I'm growing up...


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