Awesome ninja skills. (2011)

i take the bus.

because i don't have a car.

every morning i take the bus at 6am.

the bus leaves at 6am.

today i woke up at 5.57am.

and i was on the bus that left 6am.

i said to myself: i have awesome ninja skills.

and i laughed all the way downtown.

Return to cookie mountain, (2006)

lets get shitfaced.

and pretend were the coolest people on earth.

and listen to this all night.

TV On The Radio – Wolf Like Me


Work ethics. (1966)

i go to school.


i have a job.

i am what you can call the definition of a good citizen.

yesterday someone told me that i had good ethics.

except i don't.

if it was up to me...

i would go to school everyday, in my mind.

and just lie in bed all day.

getting straight A's.

and while i was in bed i would also go to work, in my mind.

and make shitloads of money.

i would be up all night thinking about stuff like this.

and i would listen to this song on repeat.



Pump up your kicks. (1985)

Robert's got a quick hand
He'll look around the room
He won't tell you his plan
He's got a rolled cigarette hanging out his mouth 
He's a cowboy kid
Yeah, he found a six-shooter gun
In his dad's closet hidden in a box of fun things
And I don't even know what
But he's coming for you, yeah, he's coming for you

Daddy works a long day
He be coming home late, yeah, he's coming home late
And he's bringing me a surprise
Because dinner's in the kitchen and it's packed in ice
I've waited for a long time
Yeah, the slight of my hand is now a quick pull trigger
I reason with my cigarette
And say your hair's on fire
You must have lost your wits, yeah

All the other kids with the pumped up kicks 
You'd better run, better run, outrun my gun
All the other kids with the pumped up kicks 
You'd better run, better run, faster than my bullet



FR post nr.100 (2011)


i've managed to make 100 random posts.


playboy-ariel and pornstar-snow-white will celebrate as normal.

i will put on my party outfit.

and celebrate with my americanliteracyincontext book.

here's some music to celebrate the big day.

Blackbird Blackbird – Pure

Stars – Personal (Caroline)

Massive Attack – Exchange

Kisses – Midnight Lover



Hairday pt.2. (1989)

today i got my hair done.


it was a desperate attempt to fix the "constant-bad-hair-day" situation.

here is a picture of the new hair.

i wear sunglasses to make the whole "newhairdo" look cooler.

not because im a celebrity.

i hate people that wear sunglasses indoor.

even celebrity's.

and also.

i have a theory that everything looks better from a distance.


here is the hair from a distance.

(even the "sunglasses indoor" look cooler from a distance)

and also.

my BFF sent me a song today.



Dinner. (1958)

i have a very busy life.

when i come home from school im very busy.

so i have to eat cocobreakfast for dinner.

its because im so busy.

not because its the best dinner ever.

(ironic thank you very much)

(btw: Turbonegro – Übermensch)


Secret. (2011)

ill tell you a secret.

if you like music.

you should visit this site.


Washed Out – Echoes

Hairday. (1984)

i recently got my hair done.

and now,

im suffering from "the constant bad-hair-day syndrome."

i figured that some sunglasses could cover it up.


im not sure its working...

here is a picture of me, trying to cover up the bad hair day with some sunglasses.


The Whitest Boy Alive – Timebomb


Self realization. (1985)

i have to admit,

i'm a nerd.


i'm not a nerd on the subject of technology.

i'm a real n00b in that specific subject.

to prove my point...:

some time ago i made a picture on my computer.

(of course in paint...)

but i couldn't figure out how to save it.


 i took a picture of the picture with my cellphone.

(much easier!)

here is the picture.

über n00b.


Just another day. (1989/1990)

i have a BFF.

he is the best.


he made a movie.

it's supposed to be a documentation of a random hour.

and i suppose it is.

here it is.


(ps: Lukestar – Palace Road)

Tourist info. (1974)

this is what you should listen to today:

(its the new Bon Iver demo release.)

Bon Iver – Come Talk to Me

if you don't like it,

you can listen to this:



Suspicious. (2011)

some purchases require ID.

i have to show ID for everything.

some days ago i was refused to buy beer.

the guy at the checkout said i didn't look like the picture on my ID.

here is my ID picture.

this is how i look.

i said that i've removed the eye patch ages ago...

he was still very suspicious.

One more time. (1987)

we should all listen to this track.

just one more time.

Daft Punk – One More Time



The last day. (1973)

some people say.

that you should live.

like every day.

was the last day.

but who wants to live.


in panic and filled with death anxiety?

The Mix Mechanic – Best Friend



Mandarin. (1989)

i have a friend.

she is from china, or was it japan.. (?!)

she is a realtor,


a sushishef.

some day ago, she made sushi.

i want to move in with her.

Love/hate (1981)

i go to school.

in one of my classes i have a japanese professor.

i dont understand what she is saying.


today during the japanese/american literacy lecture,

i made a list of things i love and hate.

here it is:

and here is a picture of a sweater i've inherited:

and also, here is an ok song:

(ps: dear mom, dad, teacup, McH and luckyluke: you are also on my lovelist)